All the information regarding to the Points question being used in the Web App.
How to create a Points question in Web AppShow results as
You can show results in numbers or in percentage. This way you can see which option is most important or popular according to your audience.
Maximum amount of points
With a Points question you give 5/10/15 points (votes) per audience member. The audience member can divide his/her points between the different answer options.
Time limit
In this option you can choose how much time the participants have to divide their points. You can choose either 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 seconds.
With a Points question you give 5/10/15 points (votes) per audience member. The audience member can divide his/her points between the different answer options. You can show results in numbers or in percentage. This way you can see which option is most important or popular according to your audience When making a Point question you can select multiple options as shown on the image below.
For example: Divide 10 points between the sports below of which you like playing the most!
A. Soccer
B. Tennis
C. Padel
D. Hockey
E. Other
Now the audience members can divide their points for example:
4x answer A: Soccer
3x answer D: Hockey
3x answer C: Padel.
When all audience members voted you can see the most favorite sport of your audience either in numbers or in percentages.