How to create a Quiz? | Sendsteps

How to create a Quiz?

All the information about how to create a quiz in PowerPoint & Web App

PowerPoint Add-in

All the information about quiz that can be used in the Sendsteps PowerPoint add-in.

How to create a Quiz in PowerPoint?

What type of questions can you use with the Quiz type?

In the web app we have a few inspirational questions that you can use as a format for your quiz question. We recommend that you use the quiz as a conversation starter or to take a quick test. 

What are the display options for Quiz?

How do you want to display votes
This option enables you to show the votes in percentage or a number. It’s set to percentage by default.

Display a vote counter on the slide
This will show how many people have voted on the slide itself while the question is asked or the answers are shown. It’s on by default.

Display a participants counter on the slide
Show how many people are participating in the slideshow. It’s on by default.

Apply a limit time to vote of … seconds
This option enables you to select how many seconds someone has to answer the quiz question. The standard is set to 20 and can be turned off, meaning you have all the time in the world.

What are the audience options for Quiz?

When is voting possible?
This option enables you to choose when the audience can vote. The audience can vote when the slide is displayed (the answer options) as well as when the result is shown (after revealing what the answer was). The first option is on by default.

How many times can a participant vote
Do not activate this setting. A quiz should be played with only 1 option to choose because there is only 1 correct answer.

My audience needs to be able to edit their vote:
This option will send you through to the dashboard in the web browser where you can activate that the participants can edit their vote/answer. The option is off by default. 

Music settings

Want to add music to your presentation? Easy! There are three options you can choose from:
  1. Comforting Beat
  2. Exciting Quiz
  3. Playful Quiz
To read more about this setting please go to: How can I change the music option??


Web App

How to create a quiz in Web App

What are the Quiz settings in the Web App?

What is points for correct answer?

This setting enables you to choose how many points there will be rewarded for the correct answer. You can choose between 500 or 1000 points for each correct answer.

this option is only possible for the quiz question type  
What is the leaderboard setting?  
This setting enables you to show the leaderboard after the slide is over. This option is standard on and is only for the question type quiz  

 What is the show results as setting?  

Enables you to show the answer result as % or numbers. The % will be calculated as total voters/ vote for option x 100%.

How to add a timer? 

You can select a time limit, this enables you to choose how long participants can take to vote. This option is always enabled for quiz questions. It is disabled for the other styles.

What are the settings for Quiz in Web App?

You can find the settings that belong to the quiz on the right side of your screen. If you can’t find the settings please read Where can I find the question settings?

How to change the template slide?
It is possible to change the template slide in the web app. You can select three colors when you have the free version and for the other version you have all the colors available. If you want your company branding please read
How to change the template style?

What is a Quiz?

You can use the quiz for basically everything, no matter if it's for a break, a border meeting or a test question for a subject of your choice. The quiz question can be used to quickly test the knowledge of your participants. With the information you get from a quiz you can analyze if the participants make progress and understand what you are talking about. It can also be used in a fun way to release the stress level of participants or a quick breath of air between all the information given during your presentation. In this article we are going to explain how you can use the quiz question and what options belong to the quiz question.

Other question types

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