Web App
All the information regarding to the Q&A question being used in the Web App
How to add a Q&A question in Web App

What are the settings for Q&A in Web App
Allow questions beforehand
This option is only available for the question type Q&A. This option is enabled by default and gives the participants an answer to your question before the slide appears.
Maximum responses per participant
This enables you to choose how many times a participant can react to your question.
How to change the maximum responses?
In this option you can choose how many messages are shown on your presentation screen. It will look like this if you keep the standard setting. (Orange arrow shows where u can find the option)

Change setting
If you want to change this setting you can choose between 1-5 messages shown, with 1 being the minimum and 5 being the maximum. The gif down below will show how it would look if you changed it to five.

What is participants can vote on responses of others setting?
This option enables people to vote on an answer of other participants. This is enabled by default in Q&A.
Review the responses
This option enables you to select the answer that is shown on the screen. If activated, it will show a URL where you can go to moderate the response (only possible when Sendsteps presentation is started).